Hope with Facts

Hope with Facts

Evidence-based mental health education for individuals, organizations, and communities.

who we are
We provide Mental Health First Aid and brain care programs.
WHy Mental Health Matters
Mental health problems are more common than heart disease, lung disease, and cancer combined.
FACT. Mental health problems are more common than heart disease, lung disease, and cancer COMBINED.1
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Every year, 1 in __ American adults is affected by a mental health problem.
Every year, 1 in 5 American adults is affected by a mental health problem.1
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Untreated severe mental health conditions lower lifespans.
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People with severe mental health conditions die prematurely, by as much as 20 years, from preventable physical conditions.2
Since 2000,
5 million people have been trained in Mental Health First Aid.
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Only 5 million "Mental Health First Aid'ers" are certified by the MHFA.
We want to certify your team in Mental Health First Aid.
Every year, 23 million people are trained in First Aid.
Over 23 million people are trained in First Aid, every single year!
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Mentally distressed workers are just as likely as anyone to have a substance use disorder.
MYTH. Mentally distressed workers are 3.5 times more likely to have substance use disorders.5
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Investing in treatment for depression and anxiety leads to a _____ return.
Investing in treatment for depression and anxiety leads to fourfold return.6
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Depression and anxiety disorders harm productivity and the economy.
FACT. 12 Billion days are lost due to depression and anxiety every year, costing ~$925 Billion.7
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1 Why Mental Health First Aid.   2 WHO: Mental Health Overview.   3 MHFA International.   4 IFRC: First Aid.   5 National Safety Council.   6 WHO: Investing in treatment for depression.   7 Scaling-up treatment of depression and anxiety.
We keep you connected

Mental Health First Aid Certification

Host a Mental Health First Aid certification class for your team or community. Everyone in the U.S. who successfully completes the course will be certified as a Mental Health First Aider for 3 years by the National Council.

Metaverse Meetups

Host a digital event on Zoom, Google, Discord, or in the metaverse with a Mental Health First Aid Instructor as your co-host. The theme and discussion topics will be decided together, and will be influenced by the 6 Pillars of Brain Health and Mental Wellness.

let's chat